Information found in the link below provides facts and tips about the importance of correct car seat installation and use. Additional resources are also available.

Car Seat/Seat Belt Safety
Engineers are working hard to ensure that cars and car seats are designed to keep kids as safe as possible. But it’s up to every parent to take full advantage of these innovations by making sure car seats and booster seats are used and installed correctly. Here’s what you need to know to ensure that…
Purchasing a used car seat is fine…only if you know its full crash history. This means that you must buy the car seat from someone you know, not from a garage sale, thrift store or online sites. If a car seat has been in a crash, is expired or broken, it must be replaced.
- Get help installing your car seat from one of our certified child passenger safety technicians.
- Free car seats are available if eligibility requirements are met.
For more information regarding eligibility requirements or to make an appointment, contact the health unit at (417) 859-2532.