Septic Systems
Commercial & Business Properties: Require a permit for new installations or any repairs to an existing septic system no matter how much acreage is involved. $120 Fee
Private, Single Home Properties: Require a permit if the lot consists of 2.99 acres or less for any new installations or repairs made to an existing septic system. $90 Fee
Private Properties with Two or more Homes: Require a permit if the lot consists of 9.99 acres or less for any new installations or repairs to existing septic systems that consist of two or more separate septic systems. Missouri Department of Natural Resources monitors and regulates properties that have two homes that are connected to a lagoon. $90 Fee
If the property consists of anything over 2.99 acres for a single home or 9.99 acres for two homes, then a permit is not required. A Soil Report should still be obtained! A soil report is the most important first step of installing a septic system.
Webster County is held to Missouri State Standards that are outlined in 19 CSR 20-3.060. These regulations can be reviewed at .
Just because a permit is not required for larger plots, does not mean that any type of septic system should be put in the ground. Missouri State Standards should still apply to ensure that the environment is protected as well as preventing the septic system from failing in the nearby future and costing the home owner thousands of dollars. According to the State Standards a soil morphology should be conducted to ensure that the proper septic system is installed.
If you need a soil scientist or a septic installer, click on the links below and select Webster County from the map to view all that are registered to work in Webster County.
Click to get a list of Soil Scientists that work in Webster County.
Click to get a list of On-Site Wastewater Installers that work in Webster County.
If you are unsure or have any questions, please call the Environmental Department at Webster County Health Unit at 417-859-2532 and we will be happy to answer any questions!
Good to Know