Septic Systems
There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what requires a permit in Webster County when it comes to wastewater.
Commercial & Business Properties: Require a permit for new installations or any repairs to an existing septic system no matter how much acreage is involved. $120.00 fee.
Private, Single Home Properties: Require a permit if the lot consists of 2.99 acres or less for any new installations or repairs made to an existing septic system. $90.00 fee
Private Properties with Two or more Homes: Require a permit if the lot consists of 9.99 acres or less for any new installations or repairs to existing septic systems that consist of two or more separate septic systems. $90.00 fee.
Missouri Department of Natural Resources monitors and regulates properties that have two homes that are connected to a lagoon.
If the property consists of anything over 2.99 acres for a single home or 9.99 acres for two homes, then a permit is not required. A Soil Report should still be obtained! A soil report is the most important first step of installing a septic system.